Yet Another Document Mapper

It’s small and simple ODM for use with MongoDB.

Quick start

import pymongo
from yadm import Database, Document, fields

# Create model
class BlogPost(Document):
    __collection__ = 'blog_posts'

    title = fields.StringField()
    body = fields.StringField()

# Create post
post = BlogPost()
post.title = 'Small post'
post.body = 'Bla-bla-bla...'

# Connect to database
client = pymongo.MongoClient("localhost", 27017)
db = Database(client, 'test')

# Insert post to database

# Query posts
qs = db.get_queryset(BlogPost).find({'title': {'$regex': '^s.*'}})
assert qs.count() > 0

for post in qs:
    assert post.title.startswith('s')

# Query one post
post = db.get_queryset(BlogPost).find_one({'title': 'Small post'})

# Change post
post.title = 'Bla-bla-bla title'

# Save changed post


1.2 (2016-XX-XX)

  • Add QuerySet.ids method for get only documents id’s from queryset;
  • Add Money.total_cents method and Money.from_cents classmethod;

1.1 (2016-04-26)

  • Add cacheing on queryset level and use it for


  • Add mongo aggregation framework support;

  • Add exc argument to

    QuerySet.find_one for raise specified exception if not found;

  • Add multi argument to


  • Deprecate QuerySet.find_one

  • Refactoring.

1.0 (2015-11-14)